Coming up on November 21, Bitten Peach 分桃, the latest exhibition from Owen Leong, is opening at the Institute for Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture (IAC). Having seen some of the works appearing in this show, I’m so excited about it. Sydney-siders, you’re in for such a treat! I’m excited about my own role in this show too. Years...
Read MoreNovel excerpt published in Review of Australian Fiction; latest consultancy work
Earlier this week, Australian literary journal Review of Australian Fiction (RAF) published an excerpt from chapter 3 of my novel-in-progress. This excerpt appears under the title “Are You There, God? It is I, Robot”. Each fortnightly issue of RAF publishes two stories by Australian writers. In this latest issue, my piece appears with a...
Read MoreApr 30: Reading in Calgary + publication in PRISM International
Coming up on Sat April 30, I’ll be participating in Authors for Indies Day. This is a day in which Canadian authors show appreciation for independent bookstores (i.e. indies) by volunteering as guest booksellers. I’ll be at Owl’s Nest Books, Calgary’s longest established bookstore, for at least an hour. I’ll be giving a short...
Read MoreAWP Conference (30 Mar-2 Apr), then a residency in Alberta
A few exciting things to report! At the end of the month, I’m heading to LA to attend the AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) Conference. I’ll be appearing on the following panels: Coming of Age Queer Friday 1 April, 1:30-2:45pm Room 410, L.A. Convention Center, Meeting Room Level With Amber Dawn, Mecca Jamilah Sullivan, Tom Cho,...
Read MorePublication in The Best of The Lifted Brow
I’ve been meaning to mention this for a while: an early version of chapter 2 from my novel-in-progress has been published in the anthology The Best of The Lifted Brow. This piece, published under the title “What are the attributes of God?”, was initially published in literary magazine The Lifted Brow in 2011. This Best of anthology...
Read MoreHow can we reconcile the existence of suffering with the premise of a good and almighty god?
A piece from my second book has been published in the latest issue of Meanjin. This piece addresses the problem that is described in its title: “How can we reconcile the existence of suffering with the premise of a good and almighty god?” Here are some pics of the published piece, which has actually been printed as a colour supplement or...
Read MoreMore stories published in Italian
I have really been chuffed by my publications in Italian. And more have now been added to the list: a further four pieces from Look Who’s Morphing, translated into Italian by Elena Carletti, have been published in Malicuvata, an Italian e-journal. They are “Suitmation”, “Dinner with my Brother”, “Dinner with my...
Read MoreStorie. Grazie!
My story “Dirty Dancing” (from my book Look Who’s Morphing) has been published (in Italian and English) in the Italian literary journal Storie. It’s in issue 66 (and it’s pretty cool that I can say that I’m sharing issue-space with Martin Amis!). This particular publication of my work has been some time in the making and...
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