Coming up soon, I’ll be reading at the launch of Toronto writer Tanis Franco’s debut book Quarry. Here’s a description of the gig, as drawn from the Facebook event: Launch: Tanis Franco with Tom Cho, Sarah Pinder & Gwen Benaway Wed Feb 21, 2018, 8:00pm–9:30pm Glad Day Bookshop, 499 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2C6 FREE Join...
Read MoreSigning with a literary agent; receiving a Pushcart Prize nomination
Here’s an exciting announcement: I have now signed with the literary agency MacKenzie Wolf, which is based in New York. My agent, Rachel Crawford, came to encounter my work by reading it in a recent issue of Review of Australian Fiction. My thanks to this journal—especially Matthew Lamb, the editor—for publishing my work and so helping to bring about...
Read MoreNovel excerpt published in Review of Australian Fiction; latest consultancy work
Earlier this week, Australian literary journal Review of Australian Fiction (RAF) published an excerpt from chapter 3 of my novel-in-progress. This excerpt appears under the title “Are You There, God? It is I, Robot”. Each fortnightly issue of RAF publishes two stories by Australian writers. In this latest issue, my piece appears with a...
Read MoreThings unfinished: An interview in PRISM International; a move to Toronto
Last week, Canadian literary magazine PRISM International posted a recent interview with me. I was interviewed by the magazine’s Prose Editor, Christopher Evans. I discussed my new novel-in-progress, a way in which I “trans” my work, and more. It was great for me to discuss my more recent work, as I haven’t given many interviews...
Read MoreApr 30: Reading in Calgary + publication in PRISM International
Coming up on Sat April 30, I’ll be participating in Authors for Indies Day. This is a day in which Canadian authors show appreciation for independent bookstores (i.e. indies) by volunteering as guest booksellers. I’ll be at Owl’s Nest Books, Calgary’s longest established bookstore, for at least an hour. I’ll be giving a short...
Read MoreA residency in Vancouver and Creative Victoria funding
The horizon of my real life will never be as big as that of my writerly imagination. That’s probably a good thing, really (although, if you’ve ever read my writing…). Nonetheless, in the last week or so, the horizon of my real life has expanded somewhat. I’ve been awarded a writer’s residency at a site in Vancouver, Historic...
Read MoreReadings in June and farewell to Canada, for now
So far in June, I have 3 readings scheduled – all in Ontario and all connected to Pride events. More readings may be added and I’ll update this post as required but, nonetheless, the details as they currently stand are below. First up, on Thursday 12 June, I’ll be doing a reading for Hamilton Pride Week. I’ll be reading with with Shani...
Read MoreFrom Ólafsfjörasður
I’m writing this from Ólafsfjörður, in northern Iceland, where I arrived a few hours ago. This is the start of my two-month residency at Listhús, where I’ll be working on the draft manuscript for my novel. So far, I have written what I estimate is about 40% of a draft manuscript. At this point, I am feeling pretty good about the state of the...
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